With Conserv Cloud, you can import data from your existing data loggers.
Learn more about importing your data from other loggers to Conserv Cloud for analysis and reporting.
Table of Contents
Import Limits for Free Users
Conserv Cloud software is offered for free globally. We believe everyone, everywhere should be able to care for their collections regardless of budget. However, we must also balance server and storage costs for all the data added to our platform.
Conserv Cloud allows up to 60,000 rows free of import per month. This equates roughly to 20 sensors reading at 15-minute intervals. If you are a free user and wish to import more on a regular basis, please reach out to us. We are friendly, understanding, and flexible!
Main Supported Brands
If you use Hanwell, HOBO or PEM data loggers, read the following articles to get your files set up for import.
Other Supported Brands
Conserv customers and users have so many varieties of devices around the world, that we cannot create customized flows for each, but it is still possible to import your data. Read the following article for details on how to import .csv files from other brands.
📝Import Data from Other Loggers
Troubleshooting Import Issues
See this article to help you troubleshoot common importing issues.