Someone changed their notification preferences and affected the rest of the team

Did you stop getting notifications after another person on your team changed their settings?

What could have happened?
Let's start by asking the person who changed settings whether they made the change in the Event settings or in their Personal settings.

Event settings will affect all users. Turning the tracking on and off for an event will affect whether the conditions in that event trigger an alert and a notification. Event settings are found in the Setup option, which you can get to from the gear icon at the bottom left of your left-hand menu.

Personal settings are found under your profile picture at the top right of the screen. It will contain personal information such as your name, your phone number, your measurement unit preferences (metric versus imperial), and your alert notification types.

There are a couple reasons why you may not be getting alerts anymore or why your alerts settings suddenly changed.
While it is not impossible that there may be a bug causing this, it should not be possible for anyone's personal preferences to affect other users, so there are two potential things that may have happened:

Event settings were changed


Take a look at the screenshot above. The event at the bottom called Global Sensor Offline is not being tracked. 

Is there any chance that the person who made the changes recently accidentally did so in the Event settings and not their personal notification settings?

Caution: Turning off the event tracking will turn it off for everyone not just for the person who turns it off. If someone wishes to stop receiving alerts for a specific event, they will need to unsubscribe from the event, not turn it off.

Un/subscribing can be done from this same Events Settings screen by clicking the area with the profile ball images. Check out this article for detailed instructions on how to subscribe/unsubscribe yourself from events without affecting other colleagues.

New regulations for sending SMS

The other option would be a timing coincidence. Sometime around mid-April 2024, new regulations came in that don't allow companies (like Conserv) to send SMS texts to customers without explicit consent. For this reason, everyone with SMS settings on was requested to log into their personal preferences and save that setting again to give us renewed explicit permission to text them.

Anyone who did not do this before the deadline (around April 11th, 2024) will have had their settings turned automatically into Email only in compliance with regulations. This could make it seem like one person changed their own settings and affected others by doing so.

All you need to do to fix this is go into your personal settings again and save your notification preferences.

Personal settings contain personal information and options that require explicit personal consent. For this reason, no one else, including admins in your account or even Conserv staff cannot change them for you. All changes in Personal settings must be made by each user.

Tips to help us help you faster

If you are still having issues with your notifications, and you need to open a support ticket to get us to help you out, please give us the following details so we may help troubleshoot you faster.

  1. Use the support ticket form, not an email. The form will ask you for many of the details we will need to help you. Emails sent to specific team members are more likely to be lost if that person is out, and you may have to wait for them to get back to their email before they can forward your question to the support team. You will get a faster response if you use the form.
  2. If possible, tell us which user should be getting which event alerts, and in what format (Email, text, or both).
  3. If alerts seemed to stop at a particular date, please tell us when you think that date is.
  4. If you are set to receive email alerts and still aren't receiving any, please tell us if you are on an email based on Outlook, Gmail, or something else.