Print and Save Analytics Graphs

You can print and save a report or graph with Conserv Cloud.

⚠️ This article applies to Analytics v.1. Reports and Saved Views are not yet available in Analytics v.2. If this feature is a priority for you, please submit your feedback here.

You can print a graph in Conserv Cloud by using the PDF Report Generator or by taking a screenshot of the graph and printing it. Currently, the default format is portrait.


You cannot currently print a graph in landscape format. If you want to see a particular feature, request it in the Ideas Portal and the Conserv Community.

  1. Sign in to Conserv Cloud.
  2. In the left navigation menu, select Analyze.
  3. Create a graph. The graph that appears in your report mirrors exactly what you see in the current view. Therefore, any changes you want to make—such as time aggregations, date ranges, or Y-axis scales—must be made before you create the report.
  4. Click Create report.
  5. Select the data that you want to include in the report, such as Data Summary or Observations.
    The system generates a downloadable PDF.
  7. After it is downloaded, open the report and print it from your PDF reader.

Save a Graph View

If you want to return to a specific graph view, you can save your customized graph setup for future access.

  1. Sign in to Conserv Cloud.
  2. In the left navigation menu, select Analytics.
  3. Create a graph.
  4. Click Save view.
  5. Enter a name for your graph.
  6. Click SAVE VIEW.

After saving, your custom view appears in the Graph Type menu for easy access.