
What to do while you wait for your Conserv package to arrive.

Congratulations! You made a giant step toward better preventive care for your collection by subscribing to the Conserv system.

Getting prepared for your Conserv package to arrive is simple.

  1. Identify Your Spaces: Determine which areas in your building need monitoring, such as storage rooms, labs, or galleries.
  2. Identify Sensor Placement:
    • If you have a single sensor, find the place where collections are densest, at a similar height to where objects are stored.
    • With multiple sensors, consider monitoring potential microclimates, such as areas with low airflow or near external walls, which may impact temperature and humidity. Consider important storage areas and spaces with loaned objects.
  3. Identify Gateway Placement:
    • A gateway is key to the system and should be centrally located relative to your sensors.
    • If your facility is large or has spaces with dense materials (like metal shelving), you may need multiple gateways.
    • Ensure either good cellular coverage or secure IT department approval to connect the gateway to an Ethernet port.
    • Remember a gateway needs a constant power source and will need to be plugged in at all times. Avoid outlets that are connected to systems that switch off after hours.

In this section, you will also learn how to:

  1. Set up Conserv Cloud to manage and interact with your devices. 
  2. Unpack your equipment to ensure that you have your devices physically ready.
  3. Connect gateways to the internet.
  4. Activate sensors and detectors.
  5. Place and mount devices.
  6. Evaluate and test to verify that everything is functioning as expected. 

By the end of this section, you will have a fully configured environment, ready to operate smoothly and efficiently.

If you need assistance with sensor or gateway placement, Conserv’s Support Team is ready to help—just share your floor plans with the Support Team!