How do I manage my team members in Conserv Cloud?

Conserv has no limits on users! Here's what you need to do to invite your team to Conserv.

We encourage you to invite everyone on your team to the Conserv platform. Creating better collection environments is a  collaborative activity between collections, facilities, administration, and volunteers. That's why we've decided to give you unlimited users, even on the free account.

Inviting users

To invite users, you first need to navigate to the settings menu. Click your user icon located in the top right corner of the page, then select "INVITE MY TEAM."

This will bring you to a "Team" menu where you add new users and edit or delete existing users.  At the top right, you'll see a button that says, "Invite Members." Click that button, enter the email address of the person you'd like to invite.

Once you send out an invite you can keep track of pending invitations and resend invitations if necessary. Let your teammates know that the invitation will be coming from and to check their spam fold just in case!

Managing user roles

As an admin, you can change the type of user for each member in the same page as above. Go to the three dots at the end of the row, and you will see two options: Edit Info and Deactivate Account.

Editing user information

If you click Edit Info, you will see the following popup.

Here, you can change your member names and admin permissions. If you are from a different (purchasing or admin) department and will not be the main user of Conserv Cloud, this is a good place to give your main users all the permissions they will need. There is no limit on how many admins you can have, so feel free to give the admin role to as many people as you need.

The superadmin role is only available for the team at Conserv. It allows us to come into your account and help you out. In your role options, you will only see admin and user.

Adding temporary users

Temporary users may be useful when you have contractors, interns, loan officers, or any other users who only need temporary access to your data.

All you need to do is invite them as you would any other permanent user. Make sure to set their role to the correct level. It may not be a good idea to give admin access to someone who will not be sticking around too long.

Once you reach the time for your temporary user to leave, you can just deactivate their user account. This may also be an appropriate action if you have members who have now left the organization. See the section below for instructions on how to do this.

Deactivating a user account

If you click Deactivate Account, you will see a red warning pop up to confirm that you want to delete that member. They will then no longer be able to log in.

WARNING: If you delete an admin without having set another user as an admin first, you could accidentally lock yourself out. If this happens, please create a Support Ticket so we can solve that for you from our end.