How to activate your new rope leak sensor

Setting up the rope leak sensor should be easy! Here are some instructions on how to do that.


1. Confirm that the new sensor is in your Conserv Web App dashboard and that the serial numbers match. Also confirm that the gateway(s) are plugged in and online in your dashboard.

2. Check to make sure your package contains the following:

IMG_0448-13. Remove yellow plastic protector on the main sensor box and screw on the antenna.

IMG_04494. Connect the extender cable to the water leak detect cable being sure to match up the holes and the metal prongs as well as the small square connector point (see image):

IMG_04505. Add the terminus to the other end of the water leak detect cable.


6. Press and hold the connector button (see photo below) for 3-4 seconds. A green light should start flashing quickly (this indicates it is joining the network). Once connected, the green light should turn solid for a brief period of time and then turn off. You will be able to confirm that the sensor is online by refreshing your sensor dashboard on your web application and the sensor card will indicate if it's connected or not. You can confirm it's connected also by clicking the connector between for 1-2 seconds and a blue light flashes. If your sensor fails to connect please reach out to support.

8. Once the sensor is online you can go install it in the final location so long as it is still within range of a gateway (confirm the connection status on the web app once in your desired location).


Your new rope leak sensor has areas that are prepared to get wet and areas that should not get wet.

  • The rope itself "Water Leak Detector Cable", with the yellow and black coil, should be placed in the area where leaks are to be expected. It has been designed to get wet and alert you. Water must touch the black part of the cable to trigger the alert so you may want to secure the cable to the floor using the provided secure strips or some gaffers tape.
  • The main body of the sensor, the component with the antenna on it should not get wet. Please note that your sensor has a lithium battery inside it, which can be dangerous if gotten wet. When placing your new rope leak sensor, make sure that the main component of it which holds the batteries in it is placed in a safe, dry area. You may want to utilize the bracket holes on this to install it on the wall or place it in an area that you expect to remain dry.

Alerts and Notifications

Once your rope leak sensor is online, make sure that you have an event set up to trigger a notification if your rope gets wet! There is little point in setting up the detector if the leak event is not being tracked, or if there is no one subscribed to get the alerts!

Check out this article if you need help setting up your events and alerts.



Once your alerts and events have been set up, make sure it all works! After the event is setup and you have subscribed to it, try dipping the rope in water and see if you get an email or text (depending on your notification settings). If you fail to get a notification please reach out to support.



The rope leak sensor is designed to alert us for a potential water emergency. Similar to fire alarms, we encourage everyone to regularly test them to ensure the connectivity and functionality remains.

Incorporate a regular test (maybe once a month) to try wetting the rope to check and see if you get an alert.


Additional Documentation

User Manual by Dragino (manufacturer)

Sensor specifications by Dragino

Need help?

If you are having issues with your sensor connectivity, and you need to open a support ticket to get us to help you out, please give us the following details so we may help troubleshoot you faster.

  • Please use the support ticket form, not an email. Emails sent to specific team members sometimes get lost. You will also get a faster response if you use the form since it allows us to get specific details from you which you might forget to mention in an email.
  • Tell us which light colors you have seen flashing on the device, and which actions you had taken when you saw these lights.
  • If you have tried any troubleshooting yourself, please describe what you tried and what happened after that, if anything.
  • Make sure to fill in the serial numbers for the devices so we know which ones are being troublesome!