Create Summary Reports

Generate and share reports in Conserv Cloud.

Conserv Cloud offers several types of reports to help you analyze and manage your data effectively. This guide walks you through the steps to create and share different types of reports within Conserv Cloud.

Create an Analyze View Report

The Analyze View Report is the most flexible type of report that you can create. It allows you to include various metrics and data points based on your current view in the software.

  1. Sign in to Conserv Cloud.
  2. Select Analyze in the left navigation menu.
  3. Select the time period and the specific metrics that you want to include in your report. For example, you can select data for the last month or focus on specific metrics like relative humidity (RH).
  4. Click Create report.
  5. Select the data that you want to include in the report.
    You are prompted to include specific details, if needed.
  7. After the report is generated, click PDF to download it for sharing.

Note: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) appear in the report only if you view data from a single sensor.

Display Temperature and Relative Humidity on the Same Report

In Analytics v.1

You can display both temperature and RH (and optionally dewpoint) on the same graph.

  1. Sign in to Conserv Cloud.
  2. In the left navigation menu, select Analyze.
  3. In the Graph Type menu, select Compare Readings.
  4. In the Reading menu, select both Temperature and Relative Humidity (and Dewpoint if applicable).
  5. Click Create report at the top of the page.image-png-Jun-24-2024-07-53-11-3990-PM


    When generating reports in Conserv Cloud Analytics v.1, the graph that appears in your report mirrors exactly what you see in the current view. Therefore, any changes you want to make—such as time aggregations, date ranges, or Y-axis scales—must be made before you create the report.

    In Analytics v.2

    Reports are not yet available in Analytics v.2. If this feature is a priority for you, please submit your feedback here.

    Create a Performance Report

    The Performance Report provides a high-level overview of all of your spaces, including KPIs.

    1. Sign in to Conserv Cloud.
    2. Select Reports in the left navigation menu.
    3. Select Performance Report.
    4. Select the spaces that you want to include in the report and the dates you need.
    5. Click CREATE REPORT.
    6. After the report is generated, click PDF on the bottom left corner of the Report Preview to download it for sharing.


    Create a Facility Report

    The Facility Report is tailored from the American Alliance for Museum’s facility report for lenders. This report is particularly useful for registrars or those managing loaned objects in a museum.

    The Facility Report report requires a full year of data and will not generate otherwise.

    1. Sign in to Conserv Cloud.
    2. Select Reports in the left navigation menu.
    3. Select Facility Report.
    4. Select the data that you want to include in the report.
    5. Click CREATE REPORT.
    6. After the report is generated, click PDF on the bottom left corner of the Report Preview to download it for sharing.


    Share a Link to a Report

    You can share reports with people inside and outside of your organization. Link sharing works only with people who have access to your Conserv Cloud account. If a colleague needs an account, invite them.

    1. Sign in to Conserv Cloud.
    2. Select Analyze in the left navigation menu.
    3. ClickScreen Shot 2020-11-19 at 3.40.27 PM(Share graph).
    4. Copy the link, and share it with your team.