How do I compare two (or more) sensors?

Comparing sensors helps you anticipate how a set of environmental conditions will affect your spaces differently.

As of June 2020 we've launched a new analytics experience based on hundreds of pieces of feedback from the collections community.

Getting started

The "Compare Sensors" experience empowers you to compare a single reading type (temp RH, light, etc) across different areas in your collection. To get started navigate to the new analytics experience ( and select the "Compare Sensors" option from the Graph Type dropdown menu in the left panel.

How to use this experience

Space correlation

Here are a few ideas to get you started with space correlation.

  • When it's raining outside and the relative humidity in a space is too high, you naturally want to know if other spaces in your collection are experiencing the same problem, in the same way.
  • If you make a change to the temperature set point on your HVAC system you want to see how that change ripples across your different spaces.
  • Alternatively you might want to compare two sensors in the same space, or compare your Conserv sensor with a BMS sensor. So many options!

In each of these situations, you want to learn how your spaces react to different inputs so that you can begin to anticipate how a particular space will react in the future. Remember to use the observations feature to take good notes.

Here's a great way to start a productive conversation with your facilities team! Try looking at the sensors within a single HVAC zone to see if they respond in the same way to your thermostat. If there's a sensor that behaves differently, share a link with your facilities person and ask him/her what's going on.

Sensor accuracy

When we ship customers sensors one of the first things they do is compare our readings with the readings from their data loggers. Give it a try and let us know what you see, but be careful! Having two sensors right together is like having two clocks - you're never sure exactly what time it is.

How we designed the experience

Many Sensors. In the left navigation menu choose as many sensors as you'd like. As a general rule we've found that 8 lines on a graph is about the limit of what a human can easily digest.

Color Scheme. We use a color palette based on the "Hubspot Chart Colors". A few customers have suggested a sharper color scheme, perhaps with shapes (circles, triangles, etc) to differentiate the lines. We're still collecting feedback on the best way to present the data.

One Reading Type. This experience allows only one reading type (temp RH, light, etc) at a time. Trying to compare multiple sensors AND multiple readings on a single graph can get pretty confusing! To put multiple reading types on a graph, check out the "Compare Readings" tab at the top of the screen. You can read more about that experience here - Compare two (or more) reading types.


You can provide product feedback directly to the Conserv team. Whether it's an improvement on an existing feature or a suggestion for a totally new feature, we want to hear from you. Add it to our Ideas Portal!