The person in charge is leaving the organization. Now what?

If the person who has been traditionally in charge of your institutional Conserv Cloud subscription is leaving, here are some guidelines for a smooth transition.

There are a few hiccups that may arise when a person who was in charge of the platform leaves the organization. If at all possible, please consider the following steps:

  • To avoid getting locked out of your account, make sure the person leaving gives someone else the admin role. If you didn't manage to do this before they left, send us a support ticket and we will be happy to sort it out for you.
  • For a smooth transition, please send us the information of your new Person of Contact (POC). This is the main person who will be the admin and to whom we will reach out to if we need to communicate with you about your account or troubleshooting your devices. You may send us a support ticket letting us know.